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Are Your Policy & Charging Systems Ready to Monetize 5G?

2 min read

As 5G architectures are getting rolled-out, we are seeing a spike in RFPs from the largest mobile operators. The CSPs we are talking to across the globe are racing to modernize their Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) systems with the end goal of monetizing the new revenue opportunities that network slicing delivers.

Our 5G research indicates that PCRF will also play a crucial role in personalization by combining real-time analytics. In order to accomplish this, our CSP customers are prepping to collect data, analyze it, and act on it in real-time to accurately bill, charge, and monetize subscriber interactions.

The 5G Problem: Complexity, Scale, and Speed

5G microservices such as IoT (sensors) and mobile subscribers (humans) generate massive amounts of data — delivered at around 10 milliseconds from the user equipment to the 5G network core. This data needs to be processed intelligently in real-time to make a material impact on the business. Each data generating device can have its own policy, per cluster deployment policy, and per implementation policy. The 5G infrastructure must be capable of handling this complexity, as well as the sheer scale and speed of incoming data. Additionally, PCRF becomes even more dynamic and software driven with 5G network slicing; policies need to be created, read, updated, or deleted. In the 5G era, policies will be used to make intelligent operational decisions such as:

  • Security & identity management
  • Real-time tariff calculation for online charging

The 5G Complexity Solution

Traditional PCRF data processing systems will burst at the seams under the massive 5G data deluge. The answer to monetizing 5G is to switch to a next-generation architecture powered by an in-memory NewSQL data platform, like Volt Active Data. Listen to our pre-recorded webinar to learn how you can prepare for 5G now, to ensure that you stay ahead of your competition.