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Be First to Value with a Mobile-aware Fast Data Strategy

3 min read

It’s a land grab out there with new companies coming to market every day with cool new applications and services. These companies include consumer product and service innovators such as Uber, Airbnb, and Fitbit, as well as B2B leaders you may not know yet, such as Volt Active Data customers Emagine International and Openet. These companies are changing the way business value is created by capturing a massive mobile mind shift.

Mobile users are obsessed with their devices, tethered to them and check them 150 times a day. These users are being trained by their devices to expect hyper-personalized conveniences in their personal life, as a business customer, a partner, or employee.

This is where leaders across industries are coming into action. All that screen time generates torrents of customer data and a huge opportunity for companies that act on it real-time.

Mike Gualtieri, a principal analyst at Forrester, visited our Volt Active Data office recently to share his perspectives and research. Not surprisingly, he is finding the same thing we, at Volt Active Data, are seeing with our customers and partners – insight is fine, but it’s action on those ‘perishable insights’ that matters and it is what everyone is trying to capture.

“Perishable insights can have exponentially more value than after-the-fact traditional historical analytics,” Gualtieri told us.

The challenge in tapping into this mobile mind shift with its volume and velocity of data isn’t just being first to market, though. It is being first to value, and it is the difference between success and failure.

To be competitive, you must get value from data in real-time with flexible data management practices that can process fast data from many sources and many devices. And, it may mean rethinking your architecture. To be a leader, it definitely means micro-personalizing your interaction with your customer at hyper-scale.

Our partner Openet, which provides software to telcos and mobile operators, has done this. In 2012, they realized they needed to replace their database infrastructure to improve real-time analytics and stream processing for customers who needed to work smarter to compete with content providers. Now, Openet can track network usage for many millions of simultaneous users and process billions of events per day, at the rate of hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.

Listen to our Executive Webinar Series, Part II to hear more about Openet’s story from CEO Niall Norton. You’ll learn how to formulate your own fast data strategy that gets you to first to value. You can sign up here.

Volt Active Data Blog Staff