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5G Opportunities: Why Telcos Will Want to Take Note of Dream11’s Success

4 min read

We were thrilled to see our customer Dream11, a fantasy sports platform, lauded in India’s Economic Times for its ability to manage millions of concurrent users while it runs thousands of live experiments to improve user experience.

Notably, the article points out, during the 2020 IPL Dream11 managed 60 million requests per minute and handled more than 8,000 contest joins per second.

This is exactly what Volt Active Data was built to do: enable data ingest-through-action at incredible speeds and massive scale. Spoiler alert: we’re not doing this just for customers in the fantasy sports world—we’re doing it across verticals and especially in the telco space

Why Telcos Also Need What Dream11 Needed

Telcos are facing the same influx of data volume and complexity that fantasy sports platforms are facing. Between 5G, IoT, and machine learning, there’s never been a better time to capitalize on the ability to deliver highly concurrent performance at scale so that your applications are delivering not just on customer experience but also on fraud prevention and dynamic policy and charging. 

Thanks to 5G, telcos are especially primed to benefit from in-event, real-time action on massive amounts of data. They are a clear use case for a NewSQL data platform built for high-velocity decisioning.

Remember, telcos have:

  1. Millions of concurrent users
  2. Extremely complex data flowing in from vastly distributed sources
  3. Increasingly complicated policy and charging options
  4. Serious consequences if something goes down

Sounds a lot like Dream11. 

What Telcos Can Do Right Now to Optimize 5G Opportunities

Like Dream11, telcos need to be rethinking their technology stacks in the face of this new and unprecedented wave of complex streaming data. 

There are things telcos will need moving forward to be able to pull off the same impressive numbers as Dream11:

Simplified stacks

To put it bluntly: telcos can no longer afford to move data, process it, apply the business rules to it, and store it through four different stack layers. To be able to tap into the true value of 5G-enabled, truly low-latency applications, they will need to be able to do all of this one single, unified layer. 

Elastic scalability

This is especially important for policy and charging issues. Being able to efficiently charge for millions of users interacting with thousands of different music, video and other streaming services is vital but also very challenging. Having a database that can scale elastically means operators can gradually increase capacity in line with demand and roll out increasingly sophisticated services over time.

Machine learning

Telcos are just starting to apply machine learning to customer value management and fraud prevention. To be able to ingest millions of individual events per second, check for suspicious behavior, and block fraudulent calls before devices can even connect, telcos need to be able to continuously update and apply machine learning rules and algorithms in real time in order to learn from past mistakes and increase the success rate of fraud prevention.

Ultra low latency

This is perhaps the most important one, and it of course overlaps with and depends on all of the above-mentioned factors (simplified stacks, elastic scalability, and machine learning). An in-memory NewSQL data platform makes ultra low-latency possible and allows data to be ingested, processed, and queried in under 10 milliseconds, allowing telcos to easily meet client expectations in terms of scale and performance without the need for complex and bespoke solutions.

We know what Dream11 has accomplished is only the beginning, but the really exciting thing is what other companies in other verticals will also be able to do—and are already doing—with Volt Active Data technology. Telcos have every reason to be optimistic about 5G and IoT, as long as their data platforms are ready. And yes—we’re ready. 

Get started with Volt Active Data

Mark Simborg