4 min read
In the fast-paced world of financial technology (fintech), real-time decisioning has become a cornerstone of innovation and success. Fintech apps are reshaping the financial landscape by offering users unprecedented convenience, speed, and personalization. A recent study found that fintech app users increasingly…
4 min read
The big shopping season may be over, but it’s never too late for retailers to prepare for the next big shopping surge – before it has a chance to break their stacks. Many if not most retailers and ecommerce businesses depend heavily on…
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An excerpt from our latest whitepaper, “Proactive Fraud Prevention for Enterprise IoT” Throughout the history of computing, a clear pattern has emerged of malign activity that exploits standards and norms, appearing almost as soon as the technology in question reaches critical mass.…
4 min read
Recently, experts from Volt Active Data presented a webinar, 3 Keys to Unlock 5G Monetization: Real-time Data, Automated Decisions, BSS Modernization. The webinar focused on the ways that moving to 5G monetizes for the company making that technology investment. Attendees asked a…
4 min read
Credit card fraud is ever-growing and ever-present. According to the 2016 LexisNexis True Cost of Fraud study, the total cost per dollar of fraud losses has reached $2.40. The total cost of fraud as a percentage of revenue has continued to rise…
4 min read
Financial services institutions are faced with a number of high-pressure demands, whether it be from regulators, investors, customers, and internal business users. These demands require that firms create, monitor, and provide access to vast amounts of data which must be immediately accessible,…