6 min read
In today’s data-driven age, organizations need to make smart decisions when it comes to how they manage their data. To this end, there are two key technologies used to store, process, and analyze data that they need to choose between depending on…
6 min read
Recently Forrester group has started to talk about “translytics” and Translytical Databases – databases that can “Deliver Analytics At The Speed Of Transactions”. Is this more marketing hype? Or is there something to it? A traditional OLTP database handles lots of rapid fire…
6 min read
Recently, our founding Engineer, John Hugg, spoke at Berlin Buzzwords. This vlog contains the video of his presentation there. What’s Covered in this Video? There has been so much noise surrounding advances in analytical systems lately that Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) problems…
6 min read
There are three ways to interact with the database in client / server computing: Of these, using stored procedures is the most efficient and logical choice for high-volume, low-latency on-line transaction processing (OLTP). Unconvinced? I’m not surprised. Stored procedures have a (mostly…