A Downloadable Demo of Volt Active Data New TASK and MIGRATE Features

Volt Active Data Technical Spotlight blog

A Downloadable Demo of Volt Active Data New TASK and MIGRATE Features

February 05, 2020

Third post in a series on features of Volt Active Data Version 9.2.

Version 9.2 of Volt Active Data introduces two new features that are highly relevant to people developing streaming applications. This is part three of a series of three blog posts:

Introducing MIGRATE
Introducing CREATE TASK

This demo showcases some Volt Active Data features:

  • The MIGRATE command.
  • Directed Procedures and Scheduled Tasks.

All of the code is available here.


We are pretending to be a system for detecting rogue drones in central London. Various locations are forbidden to drones. We need to raise the alarm if a drone gets too close to one of these locations. We also need to raise an alarm if we stop getting reports for a drone. We are expecting 10’s of thousands of position reports per second.


We have the following tables, views and export streams:

Name Type Purpose
Drones Table Master table for drones. Used for tracking when to declare it missing.
Important_Locations Table Places in Central London we want to keep an eye on
drone_locations Table Keeps last 10 position reports for each drone. Extra rows are MIGRATED to old_drone_locations_tgt
missing_drones Export Stream We add a record every time a drone stops sending us location information
location_incursions Export Stream We add a record every time a drone gets too close to a location mentioned in Important_locations
old_drone_locations_tgt Export Stream Where old drone_location records go. Defined in the DDL for DRONE_LOCATIONS
drone_activity View Shows how many drones have reported positions over the last few minutes
missing_drone_stats View Shows how many drones will be declared missing over the next few minutes if we don’t get a location report
missing_drone_maxdate View A single row that tells us whether we need to search for missing drones
latest_drone_activity View A summary showing the latest location report time for each drone

The application has two stored procedures:


‘ReportLocation’ is fed mock data by the test client (TaskMigrateDemoClient), but in a real world deployment would be configured to read messages from a queue such as Kafka or Kinesis.

ReportLocation takes a position report for a drone and updates the database. It also:

  • Checks to see if the drone is too close to an important_location.
  • MIGRATES any extra drone_location records

This is called repeatedly from the demo’s client program.


FindStaleDroneReports finds any drones that have failed to report for too long a time period and writes a message to missing_drone_stats. It also updates the drone record to prevent duplicate reports. FindStaleDroneReports is run as a TASK every 250 milliseconds

Installation and setup

To run this you need to go through the following steps:

  • Setup Volt Active Data. It can be downloaded from here.
  • Get the source for this demo from here.
  • The source has a dependency on a utility for creating DDL objects, which is available here.
  • The Volt Active Data classes voltdb-9.2.jar and voltdbclient-9.2.jar (or later) will need to be in your classpath
  • Compile and run the class TaskMigrateDemoClient.java.
  • The first time you run the client (see below) it will create all the database objects for you.
  • Once you have the application running you can then configure export streams (see below)

Configure Export Streams

In order to fully observe the functionality of this demo you’ll need to get export up and running. This can be done in two ways:

Configure Streams from within the Volt Active Data GUI

This can be done by going to the Admin tab of the Volt Active Data Management Console GUI and creating entries like these:

Migrate and Create Task

Note that you’ll need to change ‘outdir’ to a directory that exists on your computer. You could also set this up to go to Kafka (for example) by selecting it from the ‘type’ dropdown.

Configure streams by shutting down the database and editing deployment.xml

An alternative approach is to shut down Volt Active Data and then add the following entries to the database’s deployment.xml configuration file:

csv odlt /Users/drolfe/csv csv md /Users/drolfe/csv csv lit /Users/drolfe/csv

When you restart the database the export configuration should look like the one above.

Run the Code

The client program is called TaskMigrateDemoClient and takes the following parameters:

Parameter Purpose Example
hostnames comma delimited list of VoltDB hosts
tps How many transactions per second to generate 50000
size How many drones to track 1000000
seconds How many seconds to run for 180

TaskMigrateDemoClient, 50000 10000000 1800

Note that you may have to try various combinations of tps and size to get interesting results. The higher tps is the more records get written to ‘drone_locations’, and the higher the value of ‘size’ the more likely it is that locations will get old enough to be flagged as ‘missing’ and reported to ‘missing_drones’.

When running it calls the procedure GetStatus every 100,000 iterations, so you can see aggregate information about what is going on.

The first time it runs it starts by creating all the objects needed:

2019-12-16 08:54:32:Parameters:[, 30000, 10000000, 1800]

2019-12-16 08:54:32:Logging into Volt Active Data

2019-12-16 08:54:32:Connect to

2019-12-16 08:54:32:Creating JAR file in /var/folders/_0/ps5gxckx3_lf5vc9jr4gz3yc0000gp/T/voltdbSchema4228325282647337994/taskMigrateProcs.jar

2019-12-16 08:54:32:processing /taskmigratedemo/ReportLocation.class

2019-12-16 08:54:32:

2019-12-16 08:54:32:processing /taskmigratedemo/FindStaleDroneReports.class

2019-12-16 08:54:32:

2019-12-16 08:54:32:Calling @UpdateClasses to load JAR file containing procedures

2019-12-16 08:54:33:create table important_locations (location_name varchar(20) not null primary key ,location_latlong GEOGRAPHY_POINT not null ,location_exclusion_zone_radius_m integer not null);

2019-12-16 08:54:33:

2019-12-16 08:54:33:CREATE TABLE drones (drone_id bigint not null primary key, declare_missing_date timestamp);

2019-12-16 08:54:33:

2019-12-16 08:54:33:PARTITION TABLE drones ON COLUMN drone_id;

2019-12-16 08:54:33:

2019-12-16 08:54:33:CREATE INDEX drone_idx1 ON drones (declare_missing_date);

2019-12-16 08:54:33:

2019-12-16 08:54:33:CREATE TABLE drone_locations MIGRATE TO TARGET old_drone_locations_tgt (drone_id bigint not null ,event_timestamp timestamp not null ,drone_location GEOGRAPHY_POINT not null ,drone_speed_mps integer not null ,location_is_stale integer ,primary key (drone_id, event_timestamp));

2019-12-16 08:54:33:

2019-12-16 08:54:34:PARTITION TABLE drone_locations ON COLUMN drone_id;

2019-12-16 08:54:34:

2019-12-16 08:54:34:CREATE INDEX drone_location_ts_idx ON drone_locations (drone_id, event_timestamp);

2019-12-16 08:54:34:

2019-12-16 08:54:34:CREATE STREAM missing_drones PARTITION ON COLUMN drone_id EXPORT TO TARGET tgt_missing_drones(drone_id bigint not null ,event_timestamp timestamp not null ,drone_location GEOGRAPHY_POINT not null ,drone_speed_mps integer not null ,location_is_stale integer);

2019-12-16 08:54:34:

2019-12-16 08:54:35:CREATE STREAM location_incursions PARTITION ON COLUMN drone_id EXPORT TO TARGET location_incursions_tgt  (drone_id bigint not null ,event_timestamp timestamp not null ,drone_location GEOGRAPHY_POINT not null ,drone_speed_mps integer not null ,location_name varchar(20) not null ,distance_from_metres bigint not null );

2019-12-16 08:54:35:

2019-12-16 08:54:35:CREATE VIEW drone_activity AS SELECT TRUNCATE(MINUTE, event_timestamp) activity_minute, COUNT(*) HOW_MANY FROM drone_locations GROUP BY TRUNCATE(MINUTE, event_timestamp);

2019-12-16 08:54:35:

2019-12-16 08:54:35:CREATE VIEW missing_drone_stats AS SELECT TRUNCATE(MINUTE, declare_missing_date) declare_missing_date, COUNT(*) HOW_MANY FROM drones GROUP BY TRUNCATE(MINUTE, declare_missing_date);

2019-12-16 08:54:35:

2019-12-16 08:54:35:CREATE VIEW missing_drone_maxdate AS SELECT MAX(declare_missing_date) declare_missing_date FROM drones;

2019-12-16 08:54:35:

2019-12-16 08:54:36:CREATE VIEW latest_drone_activity AS SELECT drone_id, max(event_timestamp) event_timestamp FROM   drone_locations GROUP BY drone_id;

2019-12-16 08:54:36:

2019-12-16 08:54:36:CREATE INDEX lda_index1 ON latest_drone_activity(event_timestamp, drone_id);

2019-12-16 08:54:36:

2019-12-16 08:54:36:CREATE PROCEDURE PARTITION ON TABLE drone_locations COLUMN drone_id FROM CLASS taskmigratedemo.ReportLocation;

2019-12-16 08:54:36:

2019-12-16 08:54:36:CREATE PROCEDURE DIRECTED FROM CLASS taskmigratedemo.FindStaleDroneReports;

2019-12-16 08:54:36:

2019-12-16 08:54:36:CREATE PROCEDURE GetDrone PARTITION ON TABLE drone_locations COLUMN drone_id AS SELECT * FROM drone_locations  WHERE drone_id = ? ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC;

2019-12-16 08:54:36:

2019-12-16 08:54:37:CREATE PROCEDURE GetStatus AS BEGIN SELECT Activity_minute last_active, how_many FROM drone_activity ORDER BY activity_minute; SELECT HOW_MANY FROM missing_drone_stats WHERE DECLARE_MISSING_DATE IS NULL ORDER BY declare_missing_date; END;

2019-12-16 08:54:37:


It then sends ReportLocation messages to the server, at a rate of ‘tps’ per second. Every 100,000 events we call GetStatus, which show how many drones have been active over the last few minutes and how many appear to be missing:

2019-12-16 08:54:37:Starting test run at 30000 transactions per second for 1800 seconds

2019-12-16 08:54:41:Transaction #100000

2019-12-16 08:54:41:Drone Activity By Minute:

2019-12-16 08:54:41:


————————— ———

2019-12-16 08:54:00.000000 100000


2019-12-16 08:54:41:Missing Drones By Minute:

2019-12-16 08:54:41:





2019-12-16 08:54:45:Transaction #200000

2019-12-16 08:54:45:Drone Activity By Minute:

2019-12-16 08:54:45:


————————— ———

2019-12-16 08:54:00.000000 200000


2019-12-16 08:54:45:Missing Drones By Minute:

2019-12-16 08:54:45:




When running the ‘Db Monitor’ tab of the Volt Active Data GUI should look like this:

Db Monitor tab Volt Active Data GUI

As the demo progresses the Export tab will show records being written:

Export Connections Volt Active Data

Meanwhile if you look at the directory you requested the file exporter to write to you’ll see files being written:

Davids-MacBook-Pro-7:csv drolfe$ pwd


Davids-MacBook-Pro-7:csv drolfe$ ls -altr

total 6457160

drwxr-xr-x+ 150 drolfe  staff 4800 Dec 16 07:54 ..

-rw-r--r--    1 drolfe staff   77275 Dec 16 09:13 active-location_incursions_tgt-3165364684111183871-LOCATION_INCURSIONS-20191216085435.csv

drwxr-xr-x    5 drolfe staff     160 Dec 16 09:15 .

-rw-r--r--    1 drolfe staff  1834891267 Dec 16 09:22 active-tgt_missing_drones-3165364684111183871-MISSING_DRONES-20191216085435.csv

-rw-r--r--    1 drolfe staff  1457170935 Dec 16 09:22 active-old_drone_locations_tgt-3165364684111183871-DRONE_LOCATIONS-20191216085435.csv

And a peek inside the LOCATION_INCURSIONS file shows that someone has got too close to Buckingham Palace:

"3619671939874816","1199522942031414","57","0","0","1","15","2019-12-16 09:13:51.414","POINT (-0.1436013 51.5013606)","2","Buckingham Palace","934"

"3619671939891200","1199522942031417","58","0","0","1","21","2019-12-16 09:13:51.417","POINT (-0.1436013 51.5013606)","3","Buckingham Palace","940"

"3619671939907584","1199522942031422","59","0","0","1","34","2019-12-16 09:13:51.422","POINT (-0.1436013 51.5013606)","7","Buckingham Palace","958"

"3619671939923968","1199522942031423","60","0","0","1","38","2019-12-16 09:13:51.423","POINT (-0.1436013 51.5013606)","3","Buckingham Palace","965"

"3619671939940352","1199522942031424","61","0","0","1","40","2019-12-16 09:13:51.424","POINT (-0.1436013 51.5013606)","9","Buckingham Palace","969"

"3619671939956736","1199522942031424","62","0","0","1","41","2019-12-16 09:13:51.424","POINT (-0.1436013 51.5013606)","5","Buckingham Palace","971"



In this demo we’ve shown how you can use Volt Active Data to create a fast, scalable application that takes important, stateful decisions in real time. In addition to showing how we can correlate the latest position of a device with its proximity to a location we also show how we can make smart decisions, such as reporting a device as missing once (and only once).

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