2 min read
Gamers want real-time offers and micro-transactions — but only if they are useful. This is a key finding from The Psychology of Waiting, a survey of 2,000 US consumers conducted by VansonBourne and sponsored by Volt Active Data. Almost 85% of consumers…
2 min read
Consumer finances today largely exist online. More than 60% of consumers reported using a banking website and mobile app, according to The Psychology of Waiting survey, commissioned by Volt Active Data and conducted by VansonBourne. 19% reported using an investment app as…
2 min read
Millennials are at the forefront of influencing change across multiple industries. From Applebee’s to Harley’s, real-estate to football, millennials are changing how the economy works. Following basic economic principles, if you don’t meet the demands of this generation, your industry could lag…
2 min read
We recently commissioned a survey of 2, 000 consumers, examining what ‘real-time’ means to end-users and the potential implications of making customers wait. We dug into the various industries where real-time experiences are crucially important: gaming, advertising, telecommunications and banking. And while…