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RCR Wireless Report – Critical 5G Edge Workloads for Industrial IIoT

In the fast-paced world of Industry 4.0, the question is clear: What should remain at the enterprise edge, and what should find its place in far-off cloud data centers? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. The challenge lies in the intricate design and implementation of digital change infrastructure for critical industries. Everything seems to be bespoke, and there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. But is it really true that there are no rules?

Let’s explore the landscape of Industry 4.0 and the critical-grade industries that shape it. In a world where everyone seems to be saying, “There are no rules,” we find, in fact, that there are some guiding principles, or “rules-of-thumb.” Even industry giants like Siemens acknowledge the presence of these rules, whether they admit it directly or not.

Things like latency, bandwidth, privacy, and security are at the heart of the decision-making process for edge computing. However, what exactly constitutes the right balance between these factors is not universally defined. 

This report explores the rules behind what it takes to find that increasingly important balance to optimize 5G Edge technology.