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The New Age of Hyper-Personalization: Intelligent, Real-Time Data Decisions

Hyper-personalization has clearly moved from buzzword to bedrock technology—something most companies need in some form or another to survive. 

The problem is that most organizations aren’t set up with the right data platform to support their application’s hyper-personalization needs:

  • Can your data platform process data in single-digit milliseconds?
  • Can it maintain a smooth, low-latency customer experience even when data centers go down?
  • Is your hyper-personalization in fact subtracting value by going too slow, missing opportunities, or sending the wrong opportunity to the wrong customer at the wrong time?

Download this solution brief to learn how Volt supports some of the world’s most advanced and demanding hyper-personalization plays, and why Flytxt, a global leader in customer value management, chose Volt to power its own hyper-personalized applications.