The Telco Data Platform Challenge

As service providers race to establish new services and revenue streams made possible by the convergence of 5G and IoT,  they need data platforms that can:

  • Extract value in true real-time
  • Meet the needs of changing customer behavior and skyrocketing data consumption
  • Address the unexpected costs, complexity, and security issues of open source frameworks

Legacy solutions and open source data platforms are failing in all of the above.

4g tech was never designed to support real-time decisioning or monetization of in the moment actions at this scale.

  • Approximately 92% OF TELCOS are planning 5G deployments by 2022.
  • By 2023, 15% OF CSPS worldwide will operate standalone networks that don’t relyon 4G network infrastructure.
  • 93% OF TELCOS expect network sharing to increase with efforts to bring 5G to areas where it doesn’t make sense to have multiple networks.
  • Through 2025, telcos will spend upwards of $275 BILLION BUILDING out 5G.
  • The IDC predicts that by 2025 there will be 55.7 BILLION CONNECTED DEVICES WORLDWIDE, 75% of which will be connected to an IoT platform.
  • The IDC also estimates that data generated from connected IoT devices will be 73.1 ZETTABYTES by 2025, up from 18.3 zettabytes in 2019.

4g tech begins to fail when the definition of real time moves into sub-10ms timeframes. When your bss solutions aren’t extracting value in true real time, you’re paying a real cost for being too slow.

  • To meet rising CX standards, telcos need new infrastructure capable of processing data at LIGHTNING SPEEDS.
  • For example, video usage will account for 70% OF MOBILE NETWORK TRAFFIC BY 2022. Today, 43% OF CONSUMERS say the internet on their mobile device cuts in and out and is not always strong.
  • LATENCY will emerge as one of the TOP CX KILLERS, as customers expect seamless data transfers to support streaming media.
  • To meet these expectations, data decisioning in the 5G era needs to occur in
  • Unfortunately, most telcos are currently UNABLE to provide these speeds and risk losing customers as a result.
  • That’s why 50% OF TELCOS are going to adopt a DevOps mindset by 2027 as they move to the cloud and adopt practices once considered ludicrous for telcos, such as continuous integration and continuous deployment.
  • THIS IS A BIG DEAL, since as much as 72% of 5G revenue growth is dependent on OSS/BSS transformation.

This changing customer behavior and skyrocketing data consumption require a new way of thinking about database technology.

  • 5G enables GREATER DATA CAPACITY, allowing consumers to connect more and more devices to their home networks.
  • Expect data consumption to SKYROCKET in the 5G era, as consumers INCREASE their reliance on connected devices and digital services.
  • For context, mobile network data traffic grew 50% BETWEEN 3Q19 AND 3Q20.
  • By 2022, average mobile data consumption will grow roughly 20 GIGABYTES PER MONTH!
  • By 2026, 5G networks will carry MORE THAN HALF OF THE WORLD’S MOBILE DATA TRAFFIC.
  • There will be approximately 3.5 BILLION GLOBAL 5G CONNECTIONS in 2026 – or 40% of all mobile subscriptions.

The limits of open source frameworks are exposed when the fast-data tsunami strengthens.

  • In the telco space, and arguably in ANY enterprise-level arena, it costs a LOT of money to get an infrastructure-based decision wrong.
  • We’ve already established that, to compete in the 5G era, telcos need to rapidly process tons of data in real time and be able to take immediate action on it.
  • But most importantly, especially in light of 5G, open source databases weren’t designed to be dropped into a production environment out-of-the-box and require CONSTANT MAINTENANCE from dispersed teams that usually AREN’T COMMUNICATING.
  • This makes it extremely difficult if not impossible for open source to support the things that have become key for telco success in the cloud age, like CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION AND CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT.

Why volt for mission-critical telco applications?

  • Volt Active Data is the only data platform capable of SUB 10-MILLISECOND LATENCY DECISIONS.
  • Volt Active Data is the answer to having FULL CLOUD-NATIVE CAPABILITIES and being able flexibly deploy powerful BSS applications and charging solutions that montezie 5G opportunities while maintaint full data accuracy.
  • Volt Active Data merges the performance and scalability of NoSQL with ACID COMPLIANCE GUARANTEES and the rich data relationship analysis capabilities of traditional database systems.
  • Volt Active Data is already PROVEN WITH MAJOR BSS SOFTWARE VENDORS, such as Openet.
  • Volt Active Data is the easiest way to position your telco to WIN IN THE 5G ERA.
  • To see why more and more leading telcos are betting on Volt Active Data in the 5G era, START A FREE TRIAL TODAY.